Where are you located?
We are located at 20 Cedar Street, Suite 104 New Rochelle, NY 10801 and you can call us 24×7 at (914) 633-5800.
Who are your clients?
How can I obtain references?
You can click here to see a list of some of the clients we have worked with in the past and the present. References can be obtained by contacting us by phone at (914) 633-5800.

Where do you provide services?
The majority of our clients are predominantly within the greater New York City metropolitan area (New York City, Westchester County (NY), Fairfield County (CT). We have also provided services remotely to other states (FL).
What is your fee structure?
We offer our clients several services options like annual service retainers, block-time service retainers, or project retainers.

What is an annual service retainer?
The annual service retainer covers a set number of hours of service each calendar month. There is a minimum of 1 hour per on site visit and 15 minutes per telephone call support. One-way travel time is charged for on-site support. Unused hours in a calendar month are not transferable. Should additional service hours be required, they will be billed on a per hour basis.
What is a block-time service retainer?
With a block-time service retainer, there are no monthly fees. Service hours are purchased in advance. These hours can be used anytime over a period of 12 months. There is a minimum of 1 hour per on site visit and 15 minutes per telephone call support. One-way travel time is charged for on-site support. Additional blocks of hours can be purchased as needed.

What is a project retainer?
Under a project retainer, services are provided as needed. There are no monthly charges. Charges are incurred on an hourly basis as services are provided. There is a minimum of 1 hour per on site visit and 15 minutes per telephone call support. One-way travel time is charged for on-site support.